The Centre Pompidou: Enriching the visiting experience with a conversational tool

Visuel du Centre Pompidou



The Centre Pompidou houses one of the world’s largest museums of modern and contemporary art. With over 3 million visitors annually, it offers exhibitions, performances, and educational activities, making it a cornerstone of Paris’s cultural scene.



The Centre Pompidou wanted to offer its visitors a new way to experience the museum and interact with the artworks. Having put an end to their visit application, little downloaded and complex to use, the museum teams called upon Ask Mona to create an interactive mobile guide adapted to the needs of the public. The objective was also to offer a new experience for a younger demographic, not as much interested in following a traditional visit with a tour guide. In addition, the Centre Pompidou produces a lot of rich and varied content (web series, podcasts…) about the artworks presented. Its teams wanted to be able to gathered and distribute them on an interactive ‘hub’.



An enhanced and transformed
visitor experience


of visitors use the chatbot.

150 artworks

The first conversational agent using IA deployed for such a widespread field of expertise on the cultural field.


Developing an intuitive
chatbot for the audience

The chatbot developed with the Centre Pompidou addresses these issues through a single tool that visitors can easily take in hand. Called ‘Tubo’, a name inspired by the design of the building, it is designed to accompany visitors throughout the visit experience: from preparation to the discovery of the collections in situ.

The chatbot facilitates the visit to the museum by answering frequent questions with the help of artificial intelligence. Connected to the CMS of the Centre Pompidou, it guides visitors in the discovery of the program.

It then enhances the visitor experience by sharing content with the public to enrich the discovery of over 130 works. Anyone can take a photo of the work of their choice with their smartphone and send it to the chatbot. The chatbot identifies it thanks to a visual recognition artificial intelligence and offers the visitor an interactive narrative experience around this work, enriched with various contents to go further (podcast, video…).

Designed as a hub, the chatbot content continues to grow daily. Available in two languages, it is now part of the Centre Pompidou’s toolbox to make the visit more accessible and personalized.

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