Mac Val

Guiding visitors in the discovery of a rich programming

The issue at hand

The MAC VAL is the Museum of Contemporary Art of Val-de-Marne. Visitors can discover a permanent collection of more than 2,500 works as well as a rich programming (exhibitions, thematic visits, workshops…). The museum has a team of about twenty people and has welcomed about 24,000 people in 2021.

When the museum started working with Ask Mona in 2019, its objective was to help its audiences prepare their visit to the MAC VAL while highlighting the richness of the museum’s programming.

Our solution :

Ask Mona has designed “Mic Mac” for the MAC VAL, a chatbot capable of answering more than 113 themes of frequently asked questions from the public. It also guides visitors in the discovery of the programming by helping each one to find the proposal that corresponds to his desires and situation. In addition, it offers narrative experiences that introduce the themes of the temporary exhibitions while engaging the public.

💬 Click here to talk to Mic Mac, the MAC VAL chatbot.