Louis Vuitton Foundation

The generative AI tool that guides visitors in exploring artworks
AI guide
Generative AI
Visiting experience

The issue at hand

During the Mark Rothko exhibition, the Louis Vuitton Foundation aimed to create unique engagement opportunities by facilitating visitors’ deeper understanding of Rothko’s artistic concepts.

Our collaboration with the Fondation Louis Vuitton began in 2019, marking the start of a partnership to explore innovative possibilities of artificial intelligence in the artistic realm. It’s within this framework that we introduced a generative AI guide.

Our solution :

Through this developed tool, visitors have the chance to explore Mark Rothko’s artistic universe in a more interactive and personalized manner than ever before.

The experience is both straightforward and engaging. To access it, visitors simply scan a QR code located at the entrance of the exhibition. Once scanned, an interface opens, allowing visitors to photograph two Rothko works: Antigone and Seagrams. They can then interact with these works and receive detailed information, thereby deepening their understanding.

The data used to power the generative AI comes from documents and sources provided by the Louis Vuitton Foundation, ensuring the accuracy of the information provided. Each dialogue is rooted in reality and knowledge.

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