ChatGPT is the fastest-growing digital tool in history. In just 5 days, it won over 1 million users. And in less than 2 months, there were over 100 million.
The growth of ChatGPT is phenomenal, and a testament to the impact of technology on our lives. Indeed, ChatGPT represents a major opportunity for many sectors, including culture and tourism.
What is ChatGPT?
ChatGPT is a generative artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI. It is capable of answering questions using its ability to understand and generate natural language. In other words, it is a computer program designed to communicate with users using a language similar to that of humans.
How to use ChaGPT in your cultural institution?
There are many ways in which ChatGPT can assist your professional life. It is an incredible asset for communication, mediation, reception, and human resources.
For example, the tool will help you save an enormous amount of time when writing a press release or coming up with publication ideas for social networks.
To do this, you need to write precise instruction sentences (or “prompts”), which will enable the AI to understand your query.
Discover the first ChatGPT product for the cultural sector
“ChatGPT represents a tremendous opportunity for cultural institutions, and we at Ask Mona are proud to be the first to enable them to deploy this technology.”
Valentin Schmite, Managing Director of Ask Mona
Ask Historic is Ask Mona’s most recent innovation. In fact, it has been reported as one of the most innovative solutions at SITEM by the Quotidien de lâArt.
This tool will enable you to offer your audiences a unique interactive experience: engage in a dialogue with an emblematic figure. This historical figure may be linked to the history of your venue, or to an exhibition.
This next-generation chatbot harnesses the power of ChatGPT to generate realistic discussions with the characters of your choice. Audiences can ask questions about the character’s life and achievements. We offer an intuitive and accessible interface, without requiring access to the ChatGPT platform.
The experience is already available in 5 languages to reach as many visitors as possible. It engages the public in a free, personalized experience. Users can ask any questions they like.
The experience can be displayed on any device, before, during or even after the visit.
Offer your visitors an innovative souvenir
Leave your audience with an unforgettable souvenir through a best-selling item: the magnet.
Offer a magnet featuring an emblematic figure in your institution’s store. You can select one of the characters from our catalog, or create a customized one for your cultural venue.
Thanks to this connected object, offer a unique and original phygital experience. A QR code is hidden on the back to access the experience.

And we can arrange a demonstration for you whenever you like!